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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Skinny Genes

If you're like me, you're not one of those naturally skinny people who can get away with eating whatever they want. While it's true that these people are genetically gifted with hyperactive thyroids, and it seems unfair to the rest of us 'normal' folk, way too many people take it the completely wrong way and figure that because they're genetically 'inferior,' it's not even worth the effort fighting DNA destiny.

To be clear, virtually no one is 'genetically fat.' Metabolic rates may vary a lot between individuals, but that really shouldn't matter as far as goals go. 'Predisposed' fat people just don't need that much food to subsist. What gets them there is when they eat the same as everyone else (or more, of course)-- living in a sedentary giant-portions culture doesn't help. So 'naturally' fat people are so just because it's easier for them to get that way, not because they are doomed to that existence. There is nothing keeping a 'genetically fat' person from achieving the body of a Greek god, or making that goal overly difficult.

Yes, I did recycle this picture-- it's so apt.

However, a lot of overweight people aren't that way just because of their hypoactive metabolisms; some simply put way too much coal into the furnace, but I believe most are victims of the high-carb and high-fat (yes, they're terrible together) modern diet.That's compounded when carbophiles become insulin resistant.

Relevant links:
Relevant Fat Head video
Livestrong article on being doomed to be fat

I'll close with one of the most amazing transformation videos out there:

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